The Projects Pipeline

The Projects Pipeline is designed to make it easy for you to see how far Projects have progressed towards completion, at a glance. You can see which Projects are nearing a close and which may need some effort to get…

Filtering records in RealtimeCRM

About Filtering At the top of any list of records – whether Company, Contact or Opportunity records – you will see an Add filter tool. This is a powerful feature in RealtimeCRM and allows you to quickly reduce the list that you…

Keyboard shortcuts in RealtimeCRM

Enter that data you need quicker than ever with these handy keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl+alt+c Creates a new Company Ctrl+alt+x Creates a new Contact Ctrl+alt+j Creates a new Project Ctrl+alt+r Creates a new Product Ctrl+alt+o Creates a new Opportunity Ctrl+alt+w close any open dialogue box or data…

Filter records by Custom Fields

You may already know that you can easily filter the records that you see listed in RealtimeCRM. While there are many attributes that covers, you will want to add your own custom fields and you may not be aware that you can filter by…