Filtering records in RealtimeCRM

About Filtering

At the top of any list of records – whether Company, Contact or Opportunity records – you will see an Add filter tool. This is a powerful feature in RealtimeCRM and allows you to quickly reduce the list that you are viewing to only those records that you are interested in. It does this by only showing records that fit a certain criteria.

You might want to show Company records that are from a certain town, or the date a Contact was created or a win date range for an Opportunity. You can also apply filters for any Custom Fields that you set up.

You can also set multiple conditions. Perhaps you want to create an e-mail campaign to promote workshops for your product. You could therefore filter your list of Contacts by those added from a certain marketing campaign via their Tag and then add this filtered list of Contacts to your Favourites ready for the future e-mail campaign.

Adding or removing filters

You can filter virtually any list that you see in RealtimeCRM including Activities, Opportunities and more. You can also filter by more than one criteria at a time.

  • Click on Add filter in whatever section of RealtimeCRM you are in. (Here we will assume Companies)
  • The Filter box will appear displaying a list of Filters that you can apply to your records. It will include any Custom Fields that you have set up
  • Next click on your desired Filter. Here let’s choose the City filter. You then have to type in the city name and press Enter. Here we’re chosen Cambridge. Your list of Companies will now be narrowed down to those based in Cambridge and you will also notice that the active filter will appear in a bubble: City: Cambridge
  • If you want to remove the filter click on the bubble and it will be removed and your list will revert to its original state as the filter is no longer applied
  • To add another filter to your records – in addition to filtering by City – click Add filter again and use the same process as above to select another filter.

Remember: Once you have applied your filter you can save it for future reference by adding it to your Favourites.

Note: If you are using multiple filter types, RealtimeCRM uses the “and” operator which means that it will only display records that have all of the selected criteria). However, if you are filtering by multiple Tags then RealtimeCRM will use the “or” operator, displaying records that have any of the selected tags.