Zoom Integration
One way to connect with the Contacts that you have in your CRM is through online video. RealtimeCRM provides an integration with Zoom in order for you to set up these video meetings.
Connecting RealtimeCRM to Zoom
In order to connect your Zoom account with RealtimeCRM follow these steps:
- Click on the name shown at the top right of the screen
- Select Settings from the dropdown menu that appears
- Select Third Party Integration sub-menu
- Scroll down until you see Zoom Meetings and click the Connect to Zoom button. This will validate with your own account.
Using your Zoom integration
Scheduling a Meeting
Once connected, it’s simple to schedule meetings with your Contacts.
Select the Contact that you want to schedule a call with. On the right hand side, view the Communication panel and click the Add button. This will allow you to enter the date and times of the call that you would like.
The user will be sent an email to confirm the meeting and a web link to click on to take them to the Zoom platform. You can enter a custom message to be sent along with this invitation email if you wish. You can also write notes for your own benefit in order to remember what you need to discuss. They will also receive an invite that they can save to their own calendar (ICS file).
RealtimeCRM will provide a notification and an email 15 minutes before the call is scheduled so that you can be ready.
Managing Meetings
If you want to cancel a meeting or simply want to review what you have arranged click on the Manage button in the Communication panel. This will open a modal where you can see what future meeting you have scheduled.
Joining a Meeting
When a meeting is due you can click the JOIN MEETING button which will display in the Communication Panel for the appropriate Contact, or on the link in the notification email sent 15 minutes before your call. You will then be taken to the Zoom interface to speak with them. Alternatively, you can scroll down to the Communication Panel for the relevant Contact and click the Manage button, a new modal will appear and you can then click on the Launch button next to the meeeting you wish to join.
Cancelling a Meeting
Scroll down the Contact record to the Communication Panel and click the Manage button, a new modal will appear. Click the Delete button next to the meeting you wish to cancel. An email will be sent to the Contact informing them of your cancellation, this will also be added to the Activity Timeline at the bottom of the Contact record.
Viewing your Scheduled Meetings
You can view your scheduled Zoom Meetings in your Tasks Calendar and the Scheduler. However, they do not show by default. In order to make your Zoom meetings visible on either the Tasks Calendar or Scheduler you should click on the Options button and then click the check box next to “Online Meetings”
Note: You can only view your Zoom Meetings on the Scheduler and Tasks Calendar, in order to cancel or rearrange them you must do so on the Contact record itself via the Manage button on the Communication panel as described in section Managing Meetings section above.
Disconnecting Zoom and RealtimeCRM
If you want to disconnect your Zoom connection then this can be done in a similar way to the way you connected. Note that any changes that you made while you were connected – such as scheduling meetings – will still remain and be visible via your Zoom account but you will no longer be able to manage or connect to Contacts via RealtimeCRM.
- Click on the name shown at the top right of the screen
- Select Settings from the dropdown menu that appears
- Select Third Party Integration sub-menu
- Scroll down until you see Zoom Meetings and click the Disconnect your Account button.
Help and Advice
If you are having problems with integrating this application please speak to our support team in the first instance. Details of how to contact us can be found on our support page