Automatically attach incoming emails to records in RealtimeCRM

Tip: This article assumes that you already understand how email linking works within RealtimeCRM. See Attach emails to a record for details before reading further.

About incoming email linking

Because RealtimeCRM only links the emails that you choose there is no automated way within RealtimeCRM of recording all incoming emails. However, it is possible to set this up by configuring your cloud email provider, email client or host.

Below are details of how you can set up email forwarding for main providers. If your provider is not shown then please contact [email protected] and we will see if we can help you.

When forwarding emails automatically you should use the email address [email protected]. This is the same email address that you would use if you were forwarding the email manually.

Note: Switching on email forwarding for all incoming email may result in unwanted information being stored in RealtimeCRM. It is advisable to set up some sort of filter or rule if you want to automate your email linking.

Email via a cloud hosting provider

If you are using gmail as your email provider then you can easily set up email forwarding by following the instructions on Gmail’s help and support page. Not only can you easily switch on and off the forwarding but you can also set up a filter to ensure only certain kinds of emails are filtered.

There is a similar approach for forwarding email for Office 365 users. Please see Office 365’s help and support article. This assumes that you are using the web version of Outlook. You can set up rules to select which kinds of emails that you want to forward to RealtimeCRM.

Using an email client

There are many different versions and types of email client (applications or programs) in existence so the RealtimeCRM team aren’t able to support them all. However, here are a few links which may help you get set up.

Keep in mind that email clients are only able to forward email that they receive. If they are offline or are set to receive email only periodically then you won’t see email captured in RealtimeCRM until the client are back online or has completed its send/receive cycle.

For the variety of Outlook software in existence (Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2007) the best advice can be found in this article which shows you how to use the Rules and Alerts settings.