Collaborate in RealtimeCRM with Team Chat
RealtimeCRM just got an awesome new feature, Team Chat.
This means if you and your team are serious RealtimeCRM users you no longer need to leave your browser tab to talk to each other and get work done.
Instant Messaging (1-on-1 chat)
If you’ve got a quick question you need to ask a sales rep or check if you can make a special offer to a client with your boss or its something not worth clogging up an inbox over then IM in RealtimeCRM will meet your needs.
It works just like any other Instant Messaging service you’ve used before. You can check if other users are online and instantly chat with them by clicking on Team Chat on the top bar of RealtimeCRM wherever you are in the system. Plus the chat window stays with you as you navigate RealtimeCRM.