Manage your password
Forgot you password? Don’t worry it’s a breeze to get back into RealtimeCRM.
Reset your password
- Visit
- Below the sign-in form, click Forgot your password?
- Type in your email then click Email Reset Link
- Check your email inbox for a new message from RealtimeCRM
- In the password reset email, Click on ‘Reset my password’
- In the new tab that opens type in your new password, then click Reset your password
- And you’ll now be logged into your RealtimeCRM account with the new updated password
Change your password
- Click on your username in the top right corner and from the drop down menu select ‘Settings’
- Now click on the ‘My Profile’ panel, under where it says Change Password enter your old password and then your new password
- Once you’ve done that click Save and your password will be updated
Reset another User’s password
If you are an Administrator you can reset the passwords of other User accounts. Once you do this the user will receive a password reset email where they can enter their new account password.
Click on your Username
From the drop down menu click ‘Settings’
Click the ‘Edit’ button next to the User whose account password you wish to reset
In the popup that appears click the ‘Reset your password’ button
An email will now be sent to that User with a password reset link