The Opportunity Lost Reasons Report

Note: This feature is in Beta which means it works but we are planning on improving it further. We’d love to get your early feedback so we can make the feature work for you and your business.

We want the data that you put into RealtimeCRM to be of as much value as possible to your business. A key factor in your business success will be to take a look at why you are not winning business. Being able to view the reasons for losing Opportunities might show you a common factor or trend that your business can act upon and improve your sales success.

Accessing the Opportunity Lost Reasons report

To access the Opportunity Lost Reasons report you should click on the Reports option in the left hand menu and then select the Sales report type in the dropdown menu. If you do not see either the menu item or that option then you do not have the correct user permissions. Speak to your administrator about being given the ability to view reports and to view Opportunities.

Overview of the Opportunity Lost Reasons report
The report is split into 2 sections. Firstly the table and doughnut ring at the top of the report gives a snapshot of all of the reasons that you have set up and a count of the number of Opportunities that were lost because of them. It shows details of Opportunities lost in the last 30 days only.

The line chart at the foot of the report gives an historical view of reasons lost. The most recent month is shown on the right hand side with the far left of the chart representing 12 months ago. Using this chart you can easily see the most common or trending reasons for losing business. You can then take action to remedy them.

Note: This feature is in Beta which means it works but we are planning on improving it further. We’d love to get your early feedback so we can make the feature work for you and your business.