Transfer records from one User account to another before deleting it
Sometimes people leave your organisation but that doesn’t mean you want to lose any of the historical notes and tasks they’ve made when getting work done for your customers.
Obviously, you don’t want to keep paying for a user account without a user.
You want to keep the associated valuable data. With RealtimeCRM when you go to delete a User account you no longer need you have the option of transferring their records to another user, and thus you keep the valauble data.
For example, you don’t want to lose any appointments they’ve made with a customer in the Scheduler – you want to just pass it onto someone else including perhaps a new hire who has replaced them.
Transferring the records before deleting the User
In this example we’re going to delete the User John Doe. We’re going to first transfer all the records associated with John Doe to Robert Jones and then delete John.
- Click on your name on the top right corner and from the drop down menu select ‘Settings’
- Now click on the ‘Users’ panel
- Once on the Users page click ‘Delete’ next to the User account you wish to permanently remove
- In the delete user form that appears click on the ‘Transfer’ tab
- From the drop down menu select the User who you wish to transfer the records to. In this case we’re transferring John’s records to Robert
- Then type in ‘delete’ in the last box and the green ‘Transfer and delete’ button will appear once you have done so
- To complete the records transfer and user deletion just click the ‘Transfer and delete’ button