Import Tasks to a Project or Opportunity

There two methods by which you can import a list of tasks and associate them with a specific Opportunity or Project in RealtimeCRM. The first method allows you to simply download a template CSV file from the specific Opportunity or Project record itself and fill it in then import it again within the desired record.

The second method on the other hand requires you to create a couple of extra columns so that you can associate the tasks with the desired Project or Opportunity and then use the general importer to add them to the desired Opportunity or Project.

In order to be able to import data ensure that you have permission to do so. To see how to modify User Permissions in RealtimeCRM see the following article.

Method 1: Importing tasks directly to the Project/Opportunity

In this example we will import tasks to the Project named ‘72 Branded Mugs’.

  • First select the desired record and then scroll down to the Tasks box and click Import and then from the drop down menu select ‘Download import template’
  • Once you’ve downloaded the template open it and simply fill in the details of the tasks you wish to import and then save the changes
  • Now go back to the Project record and select Import again and from the drop down menu now select ‘Import project tasks from CSV’ 
  • In the file explorer that appears select the modified CSV template file and then import it and your tasks should now appear within the Project.

Method 2: Importing tasks to a Project/Opportunity using a general importer

  • Click on your Username and then from the drop down menu select ‘Settings’
  • Now click the ‘Import data’ panel
  • Once on the Import data page click the drop down menu under ‘select record type’ and choose Tasks as we wish to import Tasks
  • Now click on Download template CSV file for Tasks
  • This will then download a template CSV file that you should open and enter the details of the tasks you wish to import
  • The key thing to note are the columns named ‘Record Type’ and ‘Record Name’. In this example the record type will be ‘Project’ and the record name will be ‘72 Branded Mugs’ as that is the name of the Project we wish to link the tasks to. If you do not fill in these columns your imported tasks will not be linked to the desired Project or Opportunity, noting of course if you were linking the tasks to an Opportunity record then record type would be ‘Opportunity’

  • Now go back to the Import page in RealtimeCRM and make sure under Import Type: you have selected ‘Insert’ then simply click Select a CSV file
  • Your file explorer should now open, find and select the previously downloaded import template that you modified with your desired Project Tasks
  • Make sure that the right data columns match the correct RealtimeCRM fields using the provided drop down menus.
  • Finally click Import data
  • Your tasks should now be imported into RealtimeCRM and linked to the relevant Project or Opportunity