Adding Contacts
We know how many valuable Contacts you meet through business, and you want to be able to keep track of them. That is why we have made sure adding Contacts into RealtimeCRM is as painless as possible.
Adding a single Contact into RealtimeCRM
- From the Dashboard, click on the ‘Contacts’ heading in the left-hand menu
- You will then be taken to the Contacts page
- At the top of the page, you will see the Add contact button
- Clicking on it will bring up the ‘Add new contact’ dialog box asking you fill in your new Contact’s details. Such as Title, Name, Job Title, Phone Number, Email, Company, and Address
- Furthermore by clicking on Set custom fields you can enter the custom field information for the record, you can also apply your desired tags for the Contact record as well
- After you have recorded their information click the ‘Create’ button. Your new Contact will then be added to your database
Note: If you see the * symbol it means it is a required field you must fill in otherwise all other fields are at your discretion to complete.
Adding a Contact directly to a Company record
RealtimeCRM offers you the ability to add a Contact directly to a Company record, the dialog box which opens to enter the new Contacts information is exactly the same as above except the Company field is already completed for you being the Company record you are on and adding the new Contact to you.
- Go to the ‘Companies’ heading in the left hand sidebar and click on it
- Then find the Company record you wish to add a Contact to and click on it, in our case that record will be ‘Cambridge Software’
- You should now be on the relevant Company record and scroll down until you see the ‘Contact’ and then click the Add button to the right
- The ‘Add new contact’ dialog box should open and you can fill in this new Contact’s details as before
- Once complete simply click Create and your new Contact will be added to the system and related to that specific Company in this case Contact ‘Ron Howard’ of Company ‘Asda’.
Note: Once you’ve created your new Contact you can access their Contact record by simply clicking on their name in their Company record.
It is likely though you will have a large list of Contacts you wish to import at the same time into RealtimeCRM, our import data function will look at your data and assign it to the relevant fields saving you time, you even have the ability to link your Contacts to a Company right away without you having to manually link them after the importation is complete.
Importing many Contacts with a CSV
In this example we’ll import a single Contact record ‘Aaron Eckhart’ associated with the Company record ‘Apple’.
- You can either click the Import link on the Contacts list page to take you to the RealtimeCRM importer or click on your username in the top right corner of the page
- A drop-down menu will appear, you need to then click on ‘Settings’
- This will take you to your ‘My Profile’ page. If you look in the menu on the left-hand side you will see the ‘Import Data’ heading near the bottom of the list of options
- Click on that and you will be taken to the Import Data page
- Choose Contacts as in this example we wish to import Contacts from the ‘Select record type’ drop-down menu
- Under Import Type: you should click ‘Insert’ then simply click Select a CSV file
- Then you will need to choose your data columns. Luckily, RealtimeCRM sorts these into the right order but it’s always worth a double check
- Then click Import data to import your Contacts into RealtimeCRM
- In addition, RealtimeCRM will review your data import and flag things such as duplicates
- You are now ready to use your imported data